
Lightweight Tools for Search Ads

Expert service and tools to raise Google & Amazon ads ROI by 20%

Karooya: Ad Spend Pattern in Typical Search Ads Account

Negative Keywords Tool

If you are looking for a self-serve platform to optimize your Google Ads account, Karooya provides tools for the same.

With significant weakning of match types, phrase and exact match keywords can sometimes behave like broad match. Karooya’s negative keywords tool will precisely identify the terms and phrases that perform poorly for your account. We do a deep n-gram analysis of search terms to surface the worst offenders. With just a few clicks, you can add negative keywords directly to your Google Ads campaigns and shared negative lists.

In just 10 minutes, you will be able to block the biggest budget-wasting terms from your account. Minute for minute, this is the highest ROI activity for your time.

Our customers have added 250,000+ negative keywords that save them $16 million every year.

Google Ads for Amazon Store

Running Google Ads can raise the visibility, reach, and organic ranking of your Amazon store. You can reach all the customers who start their journey with Google search. We help you run Google Ads effectively.

  • Software Tools You can track keyword-level sales in Google Ads with our tools which integrates Google Ads with Amazon Attribution. You will precisely know which keywords are delivering superior ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales) or ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) and optimize your ads. Our bid automation solution uses portfolio bidding approach to deliver highest sales for specified ROI target. Know more about our tools and pricing for Amazon Attribution.
  • Campaign Set-up Service If you yet to start with setting up your Google Ads account, we can help you drive traffic from Google Ads to your Amazon store. We have experience of running Google Ads for for more than a decade and half. We help you get started with Google Ads without its steep learning curve and obvious pitfalls. Learn more about our service and pricing.
  • Results We have delivered a 20% improvement in ROI for a customer while growing the sales from Google ads. Our precise reporting has helped customer save significant time as well as direct their energy towards most impactful changes in the account.
  • Google Ad Preview for your Amazon Products - Are you curious about how your product's ad will look like on Google? We have built a super simple tools which just requires ASIN of your product. This ad preview tool for Amazon will create all the ad assets required by Google and show you how it will render. It's a free tool, for now!

Google Ads Optimization Service

  • Reduce wasted ad spend from your account - No more paying Google for traffic that doesn’t deliver results. We identify poor performing traffic in your account and block it. Run best ads - Always show your customers ads that deliver best results. We identify poor performing ad copies in each ad group and pause them.
  • Run best ads - Always show your customers ads that deliver best results. We identify poor performing ad copies in each ad group and pause them.
  • Get deeper insights into your account - Know the performance of your ads account across multiple dimensions. Once you have the insights, actionable steps are obvious.
  • Custom action plan - You have built your Google Ads account over a period of time. We respect the knowledge it already embodies. We provide a custom plan to ensure we deliver value without affecting any part that’s working well.
  • Limited time engagement - This is a one-time engagement. There are no monthly retainer charges.
  • Guaranteed results - If we don’t deliver the results, we won’t charge you.
  • Proven Success - We have helped a lead-generation client more than double their lead volume over 2 years. Also, customers for our tools save over $16 million every year with optimization suggestions provided by the tool.
  • Only Google search ads - We don’t do SEO, email marketing, social media marketing or any other channels. Our services are limited to only Google search ads.

Don’t let your budget on Google Ads go to waste. Optimize your Google Ads with Karooya and start seeing better results today. Please contact us at support@karooya.com or Schedule a Demo to know more about our service and pricing.


Web profits consulting, UK

This tool is simply amazing! It allows us to mine negative keyword data in a way that is impossible to do manually, identifying opportunities to save money and improve conversions. Furthermore the full suite of tools allows us to identify new opportunities to generate additional conversions. This is the only Adwords tool that we use every single day, and most days we discover a new way of using the data generated, for the benefit of our clients.

PPC Pros at Web Profits Consulting,

Rahul Gupta, Founder, PLAHero, India

I have easily saved 100s of hours - no more hassle of copy-pasting and managing multiple spreadsheets to discover and manage negative keywords. This negative keywords tool is immensely helpful!

Rahul Gupta,
Founder, PLAHero,