This week’s PPC News covers the top posts from the last week. Google rolled out New vs Returning segmentation, Bing Ads made account management easier with recurring insertion orders, Quora Ads announced another bidding option with the launch of CPM bidding and more.
Store visits “New vs. Returning” segmentation now available – Advertisers can now measure store visits from repeat and new customers, with the help of new vs returning segment types.
Keep your accounts running easily with recurring insertion orders – Now with recurring insertion orders, you can crate a series of insertion orders on a set frequency without worrying much about managing your account seamlessly.

PPC Functions and Tools We’re Grateful for in 2018 – Pauline Jakober shares the top tools and functions that were released this year and how they have been helpful in shaping your PPC account.
CPM Bidding now available on the Quora Ads platform – Quora Ads launched CPM bidding to help advertisers who wish to build awareness about their brand. With this launch advertisers now have three bidding options to choose from.
Introducing Amazon Sponsored Products New Product Targeting Features – Tara Johnson discusses about Product Targeting which allows advertisers to target customers by product, its benefits and other details that you would wish to know before using this feature.

The New Google Shopping Promotions Setup: What You Need to Know – Walk-through of the new Google Shopping Promotion Setup path and how it is amazingly user friendly.
Bing Ads Testing New Competition Tab – Robert Brady shares about what the new Competition Tab has to offer and how to get access to it until it is rolled out to all the accounts mandatory.
Most Common Mistakes of Automated Bidding – As bidding approach is changing towards automated bidding, William Larcom shares the common mistakes that you should avoid making while implementing it in your strategy.
Introducing Measurement with Google Campaign Manager – LinkedIn announced the launch of a measurement tool to help advertisers view ad performance and get attribution of their LinkedIn ads.
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