Bing Ads Editor updated with improved advertiser experience, know which settings to re-evaluate for your remarketing campaign, how the exact match close variant change has impacted the PPC space and more in this week’s PPC News recap
Bing Ads made improvement in how advertisers manage their campaigns in Bing Ads Editor. More control made for device targeting, radius targeting enhancements, selecting multiple campaigns for editing and more updates made.

2. PPC Data Analysis and PPC Goals
Melissa Mackey shares insights from the recent PPCchat session which discussed about data analysis in PPC. Know how important this task is in order to answer the nitty-gritties.
3. Custom Columns in AdWords: Tips and Tricks
Custom column helps you add metrics to your reporting and keep a track of it in order to determine your campaign performance. Nick Eppinger shares some ideas to get you started.
4. What We Learned From Spending $100k On Facebook Ads
Here are learning extracted from a client who invested $100k on Facebook Ads, how they pulled it off and what was the process that helped optimally utilize the budget. Jonathan Taylor shares this case study in this post.
5. Early performance results from Google’s update to close variants
Following the exact match announcement made earlier this year, Andy Taylor shares the data to throw light on how the change impacted paid search performance.

Want to expand your display ad’s targeting? Joe Martinez shares the 4 types of custom audiences you can opt to reach out to relevant audience.
7. Settings to Re-Evaluate When Your AdWords Remarketing Campaign Stops Performing
Witnessing a downturn in your remarkeitng campaign performance? Andrea Taylor shares the settings that you might want to have a look at.
Here is a peek into the new automated bidding strategy released that automatically sets bids for each auction to get the maximum conversions, hence called Maximum Conversions. Tanner Schroeder discusses it in this post.

9. How to Create Relevant PPC Ads with Quality Score
Lisa Raehsler discusses how quality score’s historical data can give substantial insights about improvements that can be made to quality score components. More details here.
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