Welcome to this week’s PPC News recap! Upcoming change to the Google Ad Manager API, Coronavirus Impact on Google Ads and Affiliate Sales, How To Address The CoronaVirus Pandemic For Your PPC Campaigns, How Amazon’s latest announcement will be impacting your ads and more.
Easier resubmissions and appeals of ad policy issues – To empower every business to get their ads up as soon as possible, Google Ads is launching a new feature that enables you to appeal policy decisions directly in Google Ads.

Upcoming change to the Google Ad Manager API – From April 1st, 2020 existing metrics in the Ad Manager API’s ReportService will start returning net revenue instead of gross revenue for Programmatic Guaranteed and Preferred Deals. Learn more here.
Drive engagement with improved Sponsored Brands mobile ads – Amazon has increased the height of Sponsored Brands ads on mobile to provide a better experience for shoppers and to help drive engagement with their brand and products.

Engage Your Prospects in More Personal Ways with Conversation Ads – LinkedIn brings Conversation Ads, a new messaging-based ad format that helps you interact with your prospects in more personal and engaging ways. Romania Bin MacDonnell explains more about this announcement in this brief article.
Coronavirus Impact on Google Ads and Affiliate Sales – The buying trends created by Amazon because of the corona outbreak, may affect both affiliate and advertising sales income for publishers, as well as Google Ads. How is it affecting the advertisers, Roger Montti explains in this article.

Amazon’s Latest Announcement Might Impact Your Ads – Due to COVID-19 outbreak and to give priority to household staples, medical supplies, and other high demand products, Amazon has suspended new fulfillment orders of non-essential products. Kristin Palmer sheds more light on the same in this blog post.
How To Address The CoronaVirus Pandemic For Your PPC Campaigns – Corona outbreak has caused global unrest and as a result, businesses are reducing their advertising spend. Mentions here four steps that you should take as a response to the disruption.
How Google close variants brought broad match to every match type – In the last couple of years, Google has made a meaningful shift by expanding close variants to exact match, phrase match, and broad match modifier by eliminating the importance of the broad match. Andy Taylor sheds more light on the same in this informative blog post.

Google Bans Ads for Passports, Visas, IDs, and Other Government Documents & Services – Starting May 26, 2020, Google will no longer allow ads for documents and/or services that can be obtained directly from a government or a delegated provider. More insight into the same in this blog post by Mark Irvine.

What should your PPC team be doing? – As COVID-19 impact on every business has been significant, it is good to understand what is happening in your business and industry to figure out if there are any actions you should be taking. Daniel Vardi listed down some activities that any PPC team can run right now to help the business.
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