Google updates the daily budget usage, Bing Ads introduces DSA for select advertisers, learn about segmenting your shopping campaigns to improve ROAS, tips to help drive business from Facebook Messenger and more in this week’s PPC News recap.
1. Get more coverage with less hassle using Dynamic Search Ads
Bing Ads has made DSA available to its USA and UK advertisers. With this new format, an ad is dynamically generated basis an algorithm that finds a potential page from your website that matches a search query.

2. Product Data Tips for a Successful Holiday Shopping Season on Google PLAs
With the holiday season coming up, advertisers must gear up to reap in the benefits from their Shopping Campaigns. Here are the four things to keep in mind to ensure success during the holiday shopping season.
3. Google announces AdWords daily budgets can overspend by 2x, automatically
Google changed the way daily budget is handled and declared that now advertisers can spend up to twice their average daily budget. Ginny Marvin shares more about this.
4. 5 Experts Weigh In on AdWords Daily Budget Update
Chandal Nolasco Da Silva shares the opinions of experts about the recent changes to daily budget by AdWords. Here is what they have to say about it.
5. New Findings Show Google Organic Clicks Shifting to Paid
Here is data from search queries intended for eCommerce that show the organic CTR losing out to paid ads, why it has happened and what to do about it. Brian Wood shares the findings.

6. How to optimize your ad campaigns for consumer behavior on Facebook and Google
As Facebook and Google have become the top preferred marketing channels, here are some of the challenges faced by advertisers and how to overcome that.
7. Advanced Shopping Campaign Segmentation for Increased ROI
Have you considered segmenting your AdWords Shopping Campaigns to improve ROI? Melissa Mackey discusses how segmenting the campaigns increased the ROAS for one of such AdWords account.
8. 5 Tips to Drive Business Results on Messenger
Messenger has become an important tool for businesses to connect with their audience. Here are 5 tips that can make Messenger a destination to drive results for your business.
9. Make Your AdWords Call-Only Ads Stand Out
Whether to use the call extension or call-only ads is a decision that advertises struggle to make. Robert Brady discusses how the recent uplift of call-only ads in the form of 3 new sitelinks makes this decision no longer difficult.

10. AdWords Scripts now available in new AdWords interface
Frederick Vallaeys takes us through the new AdWords Interface and the new developments that AdWords Script has received.
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