Here is the weekly recap of the top PPC posts from last week. Bing announced Ad Scheduling for ad extensions, graphs explaining why you should immediately switch to ETAs, auditing ad extensions, resolution for Google Shopping campaigns and new features to look forward in YouTube.
All this and more in this week’s recap
1. AdWords Message Extension Conversion Tracking Software
Karooya announced a NEW nifty software to simplify the task of reaching audience and tracking conversions generated from Message Extension. Try this software for free here.
2. The Text Big Thing – AdWords Message Extensions
Here is Charlotte Silveston ascertaining Message Extension’s usage and effect on CTR, Conversion Rate and Click Volume.
3. New Ad Extensions Scheduling from Bing Ads
Bing Ads made it easier to schedule your Ad Extensions with the launch of Ad Extension Scheduling, to help reach out to your audience during the ideal time and reduce wasted clicks. Details here.

4. Four resolutions for Shopping success in 2017
Make Google Shopping even more successful this year by putting these impactful new features into practice. More details in this announcement by Google.
5. These Blunders Can Kill Your Ecommerce Conversion Rates
Does your eCommerce business get traction but no revenue? You need to check if you are making any of these mistake with your online business. Pratik Dholakiya discusses here.
6. Why You NEED to Switch to Expanded Text Ads In 5 Graphs
Allen Finn graphically explains why adopting ETA is crucial for marketers. Know how and where ETAs are outshining the Standard Ads.

7. How artificial intelligence drives PPC automation
Frederick Vallaeys explores how AI can impact your PPC campaign and account management. Here is getting a clear picture of how AI actually helps automate processes.
How doe you determine if out of thousands of active campaigns which don’t have any ad extensions and which extensions are being utilized. Brad Geddes discusses this in his new post.

9. 4 Strategies For Improving Your Click-To-Message Ad Extensions
Alka DuMont on what are Message Extensions, how to use them and how to succeed with them. Learn all about the new Message Extension here.
10. Making YouTube Better in a Mobile, Cross-Screen World
Google is working no new cloud based measurement solution to provide better insights and reporting to YouTube marketers. They are also creating new ways for marketers to reach their highest valued audience using Customer Match. More details in this post.
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