Welcome to this Week’ PPC News recap! Google introduces an improve analytics in Manufacture Center, we at Karooya launched a new Search Archival Tool that helps archive your Amazon Ads search terms data, find long tail keywords for your Google Ads account, Set up Lead Gen Campaign in Facebook and more.
Help influence and understand how your products appear on Google – – Google introduces new ways to show quality content to shoppers along with thorough improved GMC analytics to understand how customers are interacting with your business.

[NEW PRODUCT] Archive Your Search Terms Data for Amazon Ads – -With Karooya’s new archival feature, advertisers will now be able to access all the search terms data (currenlty available for previous 60 days). All the search terms data along with the performance metrics like impressions, clicks, sales, etc.
How To Find The Best Long Tail Keywords For Ads – Greg Swan discuses about long tail keywords, what makes them important, what role they play in the paid search ads, how to find long tail keywords for your google ads and amazon ads account and more.
4 Key GDN Settings to Check for Smarter Ad Spend – Want to keep your GDN campaign’s ad spend in check? Pauline Jakober shares the four settings that can help regulate your ad spend.

PPC advertising: Eight questions your boss will ask – Arm yourself with all the information about PPC when you are likely to be out across these common set of questions. Mike NCube discusses in this post.
The Evolution of Google Exact Match & What It Means for PPC Advertisers – Timeline of the events that changed how exact match now functions and how with negative keywords for search query exclusions.
Amazon Announces 3 New Sponsored Products Bid Optimization Features – To help improve performance of Sponsored Product Ads, Amazon announced the launch of three new bidding features. Tara Johnson shares more light on this update.

5 PPC Calls-to-Action Tips & 4 Gotchas You Need to Know – Lisa Raehsler discusses the importance of CTAs for your PPC campaign and the 5 best practices that will help design an effective CTA.
How to Get Started with Facebook Lead Gen Campaigns – Why you should get started with Faceook’s Lead Gen Campaign and if you do intend to do so, then the steps to get started with it in order to meet your objective.
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