Learn about the new targeting options announced by Quora, launch of call notifications by AdWords Express, how to save review extension data, importance of including multi-language approach for your international PPC efforts and more in this week’s PPC news recap.
Improve customer calls with notifications from AdWords Express – AdWords Express launched call notifications to improve customer call relevance to help target better and also keep track of calls missed from prospect customers.

AdWords Opportunities Tab – Use With Caution – Robert Brady explores the suggestion of “creating more relevant ads” on the AdWords Opportunities Tab and how and why, it just might not be right step to take.
PPCChat | B2B Paid Search Strategies & Nuances | Feb 6, 2018 – Last week’s PPCchat session hosted by Natalie Barreda interestingly discussed about paid search tactics for B2B business. Here is the screencap of the discussion that took place.
Expanded Suite of Targeting Options for Quora Ads – After having launched topic targeting and filtering by location and platform, Quora has now launched expanded suite of targeting for all its advertisers. With this update they now offer a wide range of targeting options.

The End of AdWords Review Extensions & How To Save Your Data – Tara Johnson take through the importance of AdWords extensions, why review extension is being removed and how advertisers save the data from their review extension.
7 Simple SEM Tips to Help You Get Started – Digital space has become an importance space to be present in. Hellen Oti shares 7 of the SEM tips that can help businesses get started with it.
The State of Social Advertising and Tracking – This post looks into what changed in social advertising, what remain unchanged and what all new features were introduced and on which platform.
How to Use the Facebook Audience Overlap Tool to Prevent Ad Fatigue – Michelle Morgan shares how advertisers on Facebook can prevent their ad from repetitively being shown to the same customer by using the Audience Overlap Tool.

5 Things You Could Be Automating with AdWords Scripts – Automating repetitive PPC tasks has been made easier with AdWords Scripts. Frederick Vallaeys shares the 5 scripts that should be at the top of advertisers list to put to practice.
THE CASE FOR PPC CREATIVE IN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES – With businesses wanting to expand their reach, advertisers must evaluate using multi-language approach. Will Larcom shares his views on including English and local language for international PPC efforts.
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