Here are the top PPCchat discussions that took place this year where experts share their views and opinions on the topics of interest. Learn from these discussions and explore the opportunities as revealed in all these chats.

How excel provides value to PPC campaign, what excel formulas experts use and why, what is the source of information that PPCers refer to and many such pointers discussed during this PPCChat session.
2. PPC Account Reorganizations
Thinking about reorganizing your PPC account? Experts discuss when and how it is right to reorganize, the things to avoid doing when reorganizing, timeline for this process to progress and more discussed in this session.
Experts discuss about ad customizers in this PPCChat session. Here they discuss why advertisers rarely use this feature, how they press the PPC community to use ad customizers, their opinion about dynamic ads. Know about all this from this discussion.
4. Ads and Extensions In A Non-Side World
In this PPCChat session experts discuss about how the removal of right side ads have impacted their campaigns, product listing ads, ad extensions performance, SERPs and bottom page ads. Check out experts talk about all this in detail.
Tried Pinterest or thinking about using this ad platform? Experts discuss how Pinterest can help acquire customers, the recent updates you could put to use, how B2B setup could use this platform, positive/ negative observations about it. This transcribed streamcap of the chat lists out it all for you.
6. What’s New With Facebook Ads?
Are you using Facebook ads, if no then why?, what recent updates are PPCers excited about, know about Offer Ads, how advertisers can acquire leads with Facebook ads, how Facebook can get more share of advertiser’s marketing budget. Experts discuss all this in this discussion.
What are the key things to keep in mind while auditing your PPC account? This session has experts speak about auditing process, how to use the findings to identify new opportunities, presenting your audit results, insignificant audit tasks and more.
With Expanded Text Ads made available to advertisers, here is a discussion where experts talk about how ad testing has changed with this new format, handling the transition from Standard Ads to ETAs, change in ad copy writing and the results witnessed.
9. Succeeding With Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)
Experts share their opinion about how they segment RLSA audience, using different messaging for RLSA campaigns, determining RLSA bid modifiers, creating separate campaign for RLSA audience.
10. Reviewing The Latest Paid Search Features
If you missed out on the major announcements made by Bing Ads and AdWords, then PPC experts share their views on the recent updates. Check out what they have to say about ETAs, Upgraded URLs, price extension and features that are overrated or a showdown.
11. Tying PPC And Analytics Together
Analyzing your PPC campaign is made easier with custom paid search report. Know about what reports experts use, how they review their AdWords campaign with the help of GA metrics, whether they prefer importing GA goals. This PPCChat discussion explores the prospect of GA with AdWords..
12. Digging Into DSA Strategies
In this discussion, PPC experts discuss when its right to set up a DSA campaign, their views about using DSA, when not to use DSA for your account, how to check your DSA performance, DSA for B2B/ B2C business types and best practices to adopt.
13. Life With Expanded Text Ads
As the year progressed, experts share their outlook towards ETAs. They discuss their observations, whether they migrated to ETAs in both Google and Bing yet, has the workflow been impacted with ETAs, how they are handling mobile copy and more shared in this chat session
14. Analyzing New Bing Ads Features
PPC experts discuss the new Bing Ad features they have explored, Bing Ads remarketing, leveraging Expanded Device Targeting feature, features Bing Ads should include, Bing’s competitiveness with Google. Check out this session for more details.
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