Missed out on top PPC posts published in the month of October? Here’s a quick recap of what was trending. Merkle released its Q3 Digital Marketing Report, AdWords introduced ‘Days of Conversion’ segment, DSA available in Bing Ads Editor, AdWords announces changes to daily ad spend and more news covered in this month’s recap of Top PPC News.
1. Connect your accounts easily with Multi-Linking
Bing Ads in the coming weeks will be rolling out Multi-linking to empower advertisers with multiple account management. Learn about what to expect from this update and how to take advantage of this new feature.

2. The importance of site-wide tagging for accurate conversion measurement
Following up to the change made by Google to conversion data, businesses need to update their website tags with site-wide tagging to continue capturing the conversions driven through Safari.
3. Google announces AdWords daily budgets can overspend by 2x, automatically
Google changed the way daily budget is handled and declared that now advertisers can spend up to twice their average daily budget. Ginny Marvin shares more about this.
4. The new AdWords experience is now available to everyone
The announcement made earlier this year of a new AdWords interface is now available for all advertisers to use and put to practice.
5. Key Highlights From Merkle Q3, 2017 Digital Marketing Report
Merkle released its Digital Marketing Report for Quarter 3, last week. Here are some of the key findings from the report in this post.

6. Google AdWords ‘Days to Conversion’ Shows How Long it Will Take an Ad to Convert
The new AdWords ‘Days to Conversion’ segment gives an estimate of how many days advertisers can expect between the initial click and the conversions. Matt Southern shares details.
7. Unwrapping new innovations for the holidays and beyond
With the holiday season round the corner, Google has announced launch of new innovations local inventory feeds, enhancing store visit measurements and more.
8. Two New Tools for Your Best Holiday Campaigns
Facebook introduced two new tools dynamic creative and asset customization. The former to help find creative that works best in each placement and the latter to assign different versions in each environment.
9. Dynamic Search Ads now available in Bing Ads Editor
In continuation to the announcement of DSA in US and UK, DSA have now been made available in Bing Ads Editor to help make campaign management of DSA campaigns more effective.

10. Sponsored Content + Sponsored InMail: A Love Story
LinkedIn introduced a new Conversion Tracking Tool, with which the Sponsored content and Sponsored InMail can be measured. Learn more about how to get started with it.
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