Here is the screencap of PPC experts’ tweets about all the AI updates from Google’s annual event. These tweets have covered everything from creative innovations to immersive shopping ads and enhanced reporting features.
Google Marketing Live 2024
Google’s Gemini AI cannot generate people or product images, so keep that in mind, everyone. The examples do not reflect this. @NeptuneMoon
Music sandbox. well, my husband is out of a job. @JuliaVyse
New ways to develop your creative strategy. = no really. my highly educated musician husband will not be able to break into commercial work due to this stuff. @JuliaVyse
hey, hi, great show love this, quick question: what does all this do to licensing and copyright? it’s like over right? just a couple of giant companies will be able to own their assets? @JuliaVyse
OH GOOD! the exact day I’m live-tweeting a major Google update, twitter dot com redirects to x dot com. what. could. possibly. comma. go wrong????? @JuliaVyse
Google Ads Data Manager now available to everyone. @JuliaVyse
These examples are really just not being able to use the Map? Finding things near something else? @NeptuneMoon
oh man of COURSE they did! y’all, Google just confirmed for us that voice search is a thing. ugh. @JuliaVyse
Happy Performance Max Updates Day to all who celebrate. @reidjjackson
Here we go. hey, someone stream Ben’s album if you don’t mind? it makes us DECIMALS of cents every few months! @JuliaVyse
I’ve spent much of my career yelling at people to use automated (AI-driven) bidding in ad campaigns. Today, I often find myself outlining the exceptions to my “Join or Die” principles and the risks associated with AI tech when your business or ad account lacks the proper infrastructure. Here’s an updated framework for understanding my never-always-never-never approach to AI bidding: @PatrickJGilbert
As usual, the example is ecom, and very rosy. This type of search experience will spread misinformation as if it’s real very quickly and could be a real problem for the disability community. @JuliaVyse
Yup Because This Actually Exists In Google Ads Today LOL. @AnthonyHigman
Shop while you watch. YT takes a shot at Amazon Prime Pause Screen ads. @JuliaVyse
Guess what #GML Pmax has never “known” @JonKagan
I want to see something other than travel or activity based examples of AI in Ads. @NeptuneMoon
Or shopping. Wish they would just show a B2B example. @revaminkoff
campaign performance slices coming to Google Ads, Search Ads 360. @JuliaVyse
@NeptuneMoon Our team is yelling Bingo! @revaminkoff
1 in 4 visual searches has commercial intent. @JuliaVyse
Was there an over/under on how long before we had the first new product announcement? @HarrisonJHepp
Who is the musical performer this year at #gml2024? usually the bigger the name, the worse the announcements they make. @JonKagan
Virtual try on coming to Shopping. Much like my experience with Echo, no THANK you. @JuliaVyse
Wait, you didn’t like sifting through so many ads to find the right solution? but the volume of ads is a product of Google’s algorithm…wut? AI is the solution to TOO MANY ADS Google? @JuliaVyse
Power Pair: Combination of search and PMAX delivers the most impact. @BorisBeceric
Strolling through Dublin before the Google EMEA Live Marketing 2024 event where I will attend live. Anyone else here? @ThomasEccel
Google Marketing Live takes as long to load as the Google Ads Platform…@HarrisonJHepp
Data Manager is now available to everyone. @BorisBeceric
As someone who needs almost all creative signed off from brand or legal review, I’m so pumped with the emergence of inputting brand guidelines in for Google AI asset creation. @BrookeOsmundson
Love the generative AI fill! So helpful for those with big catalogs trying to use PMax. @gregfinn
People who made those claims, are the same ones that claimed they loved Pmax @JonKagan
Too many videos, first complaint. @andreacruz92
Mkay I LOVE the AI-generated 3D image tool announced for Google Shopping! @PPCKirk
So, people are adding words to their queries because Google’s results don’t get it done without that a lot of the time. @NeptuneMoon
Phew, Google didn’t use Scarlett Johansson’s voice for Astra… IYKYK @PPCKirk
Remember at #GML in 2018 when they kept telling us voice search would be the future? I do. @JonKagan
Been saying this forever. The opposite is true as well: bad data, is bad AI. Get there right output only with the right input. @MenachemAni
Good AI requires good data. so if you’re in a regulated industry, or you’re a government, SHUT UP GIMME! @JuliaVyse
AI AI AI..Lots of cool updates for Performance Max, YouTube, Creative, Data, etc. @MenachemAni

More ads placements for visual searches. Ads will show on the top of Lens experiences. @BrookeOsmundson
YouTube Shopping × Shopify Creator Affiliates featuring BK Beauty. @MenachemAni
Ad Strength Doesn’t Matter! @AnthonyHigman
New Performance Max reporting coming soon!! @MenachemAni
This is the first time I *ever* remember Google publicly encouraging brands to “Lean Into Agencies” at a GML. That your influence @adsliaison??
Modern MMM Meridian @MenachemAni
Yup Because This Actually Exists In Google Ads Today LOL.. @AnthonyHigman

You Dont Need An Ai Strategy, You Need Ai To Run Your Existing Strategy! BWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA @AnthonyHigman
Ugly ads. Should’ve tagged @binghott @MenachemAni
PPCChat Participants
- Julia Vyse @JuliaVyse
- Julie F Bacchini @NeptuneMoon
- Fraser Andrew @PPC_Fraser
- Reid Jackson @reidjjackson
- Patrick Gilbert @PatrickJGilbert
- Anthony Higman @AnthonyHigman
- Reva Minkoff @revaminkoff
- Harrison J Hepp @HarrisonJHepp
- Boris Beceric @BorisBeceric
- Thomas Eccel @ThomasEccel
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