The Google Ads Benchmark Report for Q2, 2022 was released by Tinuiti, a digital marketing company based in the US. The following are some of the study’s main conclusions based on anonymized Google program performance data.
Read more »Amazon Attribution helps you identify and attribute sales to the external promotional campaigns for products listed on Amazon. Giving the source its due credit aids in understanding the platforms that work well and providing insight into how to improve the platform to increase conversions.
Read more »Welcome Happy Readers! During this week’s PPCChat session, host Julie F Bacchini sought PPCers views on CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) for PPC, do they have experience in CRO, is CRO a part of their regular practice to review landing pages, and more.
Read more »This week’s PPCChat session was hosted by Julie F Bacchini. Experts discussed on positioning the value of PPC during new business calls, has the value of PPC shifted over the past few years, and are they finding it harder or easier to sell their value as a PPC professional lately.
Read more »Welcome Happy Readers! Second quarter of 2022 was quite productive. Google Marketing Live event had brought many new features such as YouTube shorts, New Asset Library, Performance Max campaign upgrades etc. Here is the quich recap of all the announcements and updates by Google and other major PPC platforms.
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