Welcome Readers! This week’s PPCChat session was focused on experts rising their rates in 2023 and how would they go about it. Here is a screencap of the entire chat which was hosted by Julie F Bacchini.
Read more »Negative keywords are crucial, and we at Karooya can’t emphasize that enough. We say this not because we have a solution for it; but because we also know how it affects how much money you spend on your search ad campaign. We thus decided to create a helpful resource that advertisers who have just started with their Google Ads campaign can refer to.
Read more »Welcome Readers! During this week’s PPCChat session, host Julie F Bacchini and guest co-host Martha Pierce discussed ways to measure experts’ PPC efforts, how PPCers are using data from outside of PPC to influence their paid search or paid social efforts, is there any tool/resource to help have the most holistic view and more.
Read more »Greetings, dear readers! Here is another round of the most important PPC news to keep you updated on the most current changes and advancements in the industry. A few of the enhancements include Google’s plan to phase out similar audience targeting in 2023, video ads on Microsoft Audience Network, and Google ad script for controlling ad spend on display networks.
Read more »Greetings Happy Readers! Host Julie F Bacchini and guest host Akvile DeFazio discussed the benefits of advertising during Q5, the tools PPCers use for motivating ideas for campaigns and marketing in Q5. how have their paid social efforts gone so far and more during this week’s PPCChat session.
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