Posted by & filed under Google Ads Tips, Keywords.

Broad match keywords can open avenues for business if they are not certain of which search queries are driving traffic to the website. This match type has an extensive reach as there are no criterion for not letting your ad show. If a keyword has been added as broad match type it will display the ad if the keyword or any other variation of it is present in the search query. Some might see it as an opportunity and other might think of it as draining out the budget.

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Posted by & filed under PPC Roundup.

The year has jet-started with business planning and implementing new strategies for the year ahead. To make sure businesses benefit with an optimized and performing PPC account here are articles that discuss how you can organize your account, why AdWords is beneficial for small business, the must have extensions for your Bing PPC account, importance of query mapping and negative keyword implementation. Take the dose to perfect your execution with last week’s roundup of PPC articles.

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Posted by & filed under Microsoft Ads, Negative Keywords.

Negative keywords help restrict an ad from being displayed for search queries that are not related with the business or are not the audience that they intend to connect with. How does one find these negative keywords? There are many ways through which one can ascertain what keywords to add as negative keywords, here’s a post onĀ 6 ways to find negative keywords that will guide you with the same. .

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