Posted by & filed under Google Ads Tips.

Compared to the last year, how did we fair this year? Here’s a comparison of campaign and keyword performance from one of our PPC accounts to determine whether this year holds more of good news or bad. The findings suggest that the year did start on a fairly good note with improved click rates and conversions. This is a great start for the year.

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Posted by & filed under Google Ads Tips, Microsoft Ads.

Advertisers vie to stay ahead of their competitors. Having explored the PPC scope in AdWords, the next step that most businesses prefer to take is to start advertising on Bing too. A feasible decision here is to import your already performing campaigns to Bing and get started with it. But if you thought that by importing the campaign the work is done, it is 50% of the task accomplished. It is extremely critical to do a complete audit of the campaigns before hitting the live button.

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Posted by & filed under Google Ads Tips, PPC Roundup.

Is it time to kill your B2B whitepaper? How can you save money with the help of negative audiences? How the revamped workflow will simplify the process of choosing you automated bidding strategy? How you can make use of DSAs to save on your time? How you can integrate your PPC campaigns with social to close the loop and create a convincing funnel?

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Posted by & filed under PPC Roundup.

Make use of visual reports for data mining, whether using search partner network affects your campaign positively, how remarketing should be effectively optimized, how bing ad extensions can be used to optimize your ads, if copying BMM campaigns from AdWords to Bing will result in query matching? Get answers to all these questions in the articles listed below.

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Posted by & filed under Microsoft Ads.

At Industry Preview 2016, Rik Van Der Kooi shares his views on what year 2016 holds for Microsoft in the marketing and advertising space. He shares the strategic partnerships of Microsoft and how the opportunties unfold in the search advertising space. Moderated by John Ebbert, Executive Editor & CEO AdExchanger here’s the transcript of his fireside chat with Rik Van Der Kooi, Corporate Vice President, Search Advertising, Microsoft.

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