Posted by & filed under Microsoft Ads.

Bing Ads Advertiser Science has come up with another webinar that focuses on keyword attribution explained with the ‘Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon’. Now if you are wondering much on how Kevin Bacon got termed here, you must go through this webinar for the explanation. Learn about what the approach is, how you can expand your keywords and how can set up your keyword assist experiment. Hear from the Bing Ads Science Team members Lars HirchFrances Donegan-Ryan, Lin Huang with MJ DePalma moderating the webcast.

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Posted by & filed under PPC Roundup.

The first quarter of year 2016 witnessed some major changes in the way the SERP will show your ads. With the removal of right side ads and introduction of 4 ads on top-of-page, new avenues are opened for advertisers. Not only this, a thorough study on the change shows how the update has impacted businesses. This quarter also saw AdWords API updated, automated bidding revamped and AdWords app launched on iOS. Check out this quarter’s trending updates.

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