Posted by & filed under Google Ads Tips, Microsoft Ads.

Sometimes the ad copy isn’t sufficient enough to connect with your audience. To help advertisers share additional pieces of information in AdWords and Bing Ad, ad extensions provides the options depending on what you want to show. For example, if you wish to direct customers to your store you can use the location extension, similarly if you wish to drive calls to your business you can use the call extension.

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Posted by & filed under Keywords, Microsoft Ads, Negative Keywords.

A PPC campaign is incomplete without keywords and search terms. Where one initiates the process of showing your paid-ad, the other is the term customers are actually searching for. To make it simpler ‘keywords’ are those terms that an advertiser bids on and search terms are those queries for which your ad gets triggered.

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Posted by & filed under Google Ads Tips.

How your campaign is performing can be determined easily with the help of conversion tracking. This tool not only helps you track a conversion action (purchase or filling up a form etc.), but also helps you carve your business objectives better (sales oriented or leads oriented). AdWords recently published a video tutorial that takes advertisers through the nitty-gritties of setting up conversion for their PPC account.

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