This week’s ppc news covers insights from PPCers about the new Exact Match update announced by Google last week, what advertisers should see coming and how to stay prepared without getting much affected.
Update on 26th December, 2018 – The Expanded Text Ads template now supports the 3rd headline and 2nd description, as per changes announced this year.
Standard Ads is a thing of the past now. Expanded Text Ads is the new ad format that offers more real estate to advertisers. The transition phase is over and to initiate your ETA led campaign you might want to come up with the right messaging.
A major announcement by Google was made this week, wherein the role of close variants will be expanded for exact match keywords. How this will impact the PPC space will be witnessed when the change is released, however opinions are pouring in. This and more covered in this week’s PPC news recap.
The recent Bing Ads Quarterly API Call was held in the month of January. The team made a series of improvements and updates that have or will soon be launched in the Bing’s API interface. Some of the announcements made were around Ad Extension Scheduling, In market and custom audiences, price extension, multi-account management and more.
This week’s recap of ppc news covers google’s announcement of updating call ads, Facebook audience targeting, AdWords testing tools to put into practice, improvements made by Bing to simplify creating Expanded Text Ads and more.