Posted by & filed under Google Ads Tips, Keywords.

In 2014, Google removed the option to opt-in/ out of close variants for exact and phrase match keywords. A recent announcement allowed Exact match keywords to trigger ads for relevant reordering and rewording of your keyword. These changes made exact and phrase match types less restrictive than earlier. However, it also in a way opened the window to identify search queries that may be irrelevant for your business.

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Posted by & filed under Google Ads Experiments, Karooya's Google Ads Scripts.

AdWords Experiments lets you configure and test changes that can be later applied to your original campaign. For a large account with multiple experiments, keeping a track of all experiments and their performance might be a tedious task. We have created a script to consolidate and track the performance of your experiments in your account.

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Posted by & filed under Expanded Text Ads, Google Ads Tips.

Creating multiple ad copies helps understand which ad messaging connects with your audience. While creating your ads, you might not want to use the AdWords platform directly, but create ad messaging options that can be later reviewed and edited. Our AdWords Mock Up Tool or Expanded Text Ad Preview Tool helps advertisers create ad copies quickly and easily.

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