Statistics show that about 4.2 billion people are texting worldwide and about 97% of American adults use their smartphones for texting purpose. It is apparent that text messages are looked up as a convenient medium to strike a conversation.
Missed out on top PPC posts published in the month of July? Here’s a quick recap of what was trending. AdWords call bid adjustments announced, remarketing to YouTube viewers, Bing Ads campaign planner to be replaced with Keyword Planner, LinkedIn Website Demographics released to understand your audience and more news covered in this month’s recap of Top PPC News.
This week’s PPC News captures the announcement about the new call bid adjustments, transitioning from PPC to Facebook ads, the importance of SKAGs, automated bidding strategy in Bing Ads, Facebook and AdWords and more.
Here is a recap of the last week’s PPC news that covers the Digital Marketing Report for Q2, 2017, about the new Showcase Shopping ads in AdWords, quality score myths and facts, endless possibilities of Facebook Live Ads (still in beta) and more.