Bing Ads announced the launch of multi-linking of accounts in the coming few months and introduced the new Bing Ads Overview tab, AdWords ‘Days To Conversion’ segment launched and more covered in this week’s recap of Weekly PPC News.
Negative Keywords combats wasted ad spend and ensures that relevant traffic is driven to your business. To lift your PPC campaign to drive more conversions it is important to drive traffic that is reliable and that is possible through negative keywords.
Bing Ads makes available US location targeting, AdWords new interface is now available for all advertisers, to view conversions from Safari update your website with site-wide tagging, insights into using Manual bidding instead of automated bidding, how the daily budget change will impact the PPC space and more in this week’s PPC News recap.
Your ad copy is incomplete without the usage of ad extensions. With Google having reported a 10-15% increase in CTR on an average as a result of ad extensions, it becomes a must-have component of your ad messaging.
Your ad is the face of your business. When investing in paid search ads become the main source to drive traffic to your website. In order to make the most out of this channel, using the right ad copy to reach out to your audience becomes a must. So, what are the things you need to keep in mind while creating your ad’s messaging?