How Bing Ads will evolve in 2018, whether advertisers choose search advertising or display advertising, Bing Ads updates exact match close variants to include reordered keywords, strategies to help B2B advertisers make the most from their PPC activities and more in this week’s PPC News recap.
This week’s PPCChat session was hosted by Robert Brady where he put across a range of questions around PPC Automation, tools for automation, when it can be used, the potential automation task in 2018 and more.
In continuation to our post on using search terms report in the new AdWords interface, we discuss about the Shared Library, where to find it and what each shared item helps you with.
Learn about using event tracking audiences, voice search as a solution for advertisers in 2018, auditing a low performing account, why Bing Ads is a must-have in your PPC strategy, new forms of automation that can be applied to your AdWords account and more in this week’s PPC news recap.
Two years back, we developed an AdWords Script that helped advertisers identify duplicate keywords as well as close variants. Today we have updated the script to let advertisers specify their preferred language and generate the list of duplicate keywords in that language.