Merkle released its Digital Marketing Report for Quarter 2, 2018 last week. We elaborate some of the key findings from the report in this post.
Learn about the how Amazon is becoming a growing advertising platform, using Faceook rules for your campaigns, all about Dynamic Search Ads, responsive search ads character limits, how to grow conversions from your local business and more in this week’s PPC News recap.
Responsive Search Ads, is hugely awaited to be released from its beta stage and made available to advertisers across the globe. Here is a look into what character limits this new ad format has to offer and how it is a great opportunity for advertisers to display some useful piece of information in their ads.
This week’s PPCChat session was hosted by AJ Wilcox where PPC experts discussed all about LinkedIn advertising, their thoughts about LinkedIn advertising platform’s performance, what features they would like to see in it, any recent LinkedIn update that they are excited about, the LinkedIn ad unit that has been fruitful for them and more.
Learn about the new updates announced during Google’s annual advertiser event, Bing Ads dynamic product extension, why you need to secure your URL with HTTPS, implementing HHI targeting, what display banner sizes to use and more in this week’s PPC News recap.