This week’s PPCChat session was hosted by Julie F Bacchini and the discussion was about the common PPC problems faced, strategies to tend the issues, the most challenging issues PPC experts have faced, what approach they adopted and tactics required for problem solving in your PPC career. Read more »
Learn about the newly launched In-market audiences, factors that influence voice search, AdWords notes, integration of Google Optimize and AdWords for better results, components of a good PPC report, effectively mining search query data and more in this week’s PPC News recap.
Missed out on top PPC posts published in the month of May? Here’s a quick recap of what was trending. Learn about the new features in AdWords Editor Ver 12.3, Bing Ads MSN audience network, enhanced Facebook Analytics, In-market audiences now available to Bing advertisers in US market, AdWords new UI fully rolled out and more news covered in this month’s recap of Top PPC News.
Clearly Bing Ads has ensured not to miss out on what is being offered on their competitor platform, AdWords. One of such features is AI driven Automated Bidding. It has been their focus area since 2016 with the launch of Enhanced CPC, followed up with Maximize Clicks the last year. Earlier this year they further expanded the Automated Bidding with Target CPA and Maximize Conversions bidding strategy.
This week’s PPCChat session was hosted by Kyle Shurtz and the discussion was about conversion rate optimization tactics and strategies, A/B testing of landing pages, PPC experts sharing about their favourite tools for creating landing pages and analyzing them.