Missed out on top PPC posts published in the month of January? Here’s a quick recap of what was trending. Microsoft announced its partnership with Yahoo and AOL and improved its prospects of connecting with a larger spectrum of audience. This and more of such updates covered in this month’s recap of top PPC news.
Hosted by Julie Bacchini, this week’s PPCChat session discussed about automation, where it has worked and not worked, the areas of improvement, what automation is being used for and more. Read more »
Geo Ad Customizers lets you create ad variations for each location (specified by you in your data feed) without spending much time and effort. And the result is not less than promising.
Welcome to this week’s PPC news recap. LinkedIn announced new Interest targeting, Google Ads extended its 15-sec non skippable video ads beyond YouTube, one thing about new targeting feature in Amazon’s automatic campaigns that you didn’t know of and more
This week’s PPCChat session was a Q&A session with JD Prater, who discussed about advertising on Quora and why advertisers must opt for the platform. Moderated by Julie F Bacchini, this session answers some of the trending questions around Quora Advertising. Read more »