Welcome to this week’s PPC News recap! Learn about setting up Custom Intent Audience for your YouTube campaign, developing a paid search competitive strategy, Maximize Conversion bidding strategy to be made globally available, learn about the ad specs available with YouTube and more.
Hosted by Julie F Bacchini, this week’s PPCChat session discussed about concerns of PPCers regarding privacy and digital advertising, their views on ad bollocking technology, platforms that handles privacy and advertising best and worst and more.
An additional description and headline was added to the Expanded Text Ads last year. How have the updated ETAs performed when compared with the old format? We have an AdWords script to help find that.
Welcome to this week’s PPC news recap. Quora introduced keyword targeting on their advertising platform, Reddit launched cost per click ads, learn about Amazon attribution and how it works, understand how Google Local service Ads are made effective, highlights from Merkle’s Q4 Digital Marketing Report.
Merkle released its Digital Marketing Report for Quarter 4, 2018 last week. We elaborate some of the key findings from the report in this post.
You can download the report from here