This year’s first PPCChat session was hosted by Duane Brown. PPCers shared their thoughts about how they wish to go forward with the budget plan for this year, the new channels they intent to test and allocate their budget to.
For a PPC search campaign (whether in Bing Ads, Google Ads or Amazon Ads), the user search queries that triggered your ad are highly insightful and actionable. These are the actual search terms that users are typing in search box to reach to your product or service. The search terms provide an peek into the users’ mind.
With the new year gaining momentum, PPCers are back to work with some interesting topics for discussion. Here is a recap of the top ppc news from last week.
Search Terms Report is a great source to identify those exact terms that a shopper is searching for. Using that insight advertisers can take strategic decision about which terms to target and which ones to not.
Before entering into year 2019, here is a quick recap of the top PPC news from last week which will shape up the PPC strategies for the New Year.