Posted by & filed under PPC Roundup.

Missed out on top PPC posts published in the month of April? Here is a quick recap. Facebook’s new bid strategy to gain more result, Bing’s step to end the ability to create destination URL for keywords, ads and campaign level, Google’s announcement of Parallel Tracking, Announcement of Quora and GeistM partnership, Highlights of Merkel’s Digital Marketing report for Q1 2019 and more

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Posted by & filed under Amazon Ads, Keywords.

The best way to discover new keywords for your Amazon Ads campaign is to run an automatic campaign, along with a manual campaign, with the same products in each. Once the automatic campaign gains traction, you can start analyzing it’s search term report to find good performing keywords and move them to your manual campaign.

Thus over period of time, you will accumulate all the good performing keywords in your manual campaign where you can adjust each keyword bid individually.

Karooya’s ‘Great Converting Keywords Report’ can help you do this exercise, easily and efficiently!


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