This week’s PPCChat session was driven by Bryant Garvin, Cory Henke and Joe Martinez where they satisfied PPCers queries regarding benefits of YouTube Advertising,Best way to do lead generation with YouTube,B2B on YouTube and more.
Here is the recap of this week’s PPC News! Announcement regarding Google Ads Editor v1.1, Microsoft Advertising’s campaign-level associations, Six ways to optimize your Facebook Ad reach and reduce Ad fatigue, Broad Match and Phrase Match Modifiers keywords and more.
Analyzing who your ad is competing against and how your ads are performing, is another way of optimizing your account for performance. Google Ads offers this insight in the form of auction insights.
[Update 11th Nov, 2020 : This post was updated with more interesting details. Hope you find it worth a read]
Read more »Missed out on top PPC posts published in the month of July? Here’s a quick recap of what was trending. Availability of “Ad Customizers” in Microsoft Advertising, Google Ads API moved to beta status, YouTube Masthead ads, Google Ads Editor v1.1, Key highlights of Merkel’s Quarter 2 2019 Digital Marketing report, Pinterest introducing Mobile Ad tool and more.
This week’s PPC Chat session was hosted by Duane Brown where he discussed about Black Friday, the biggest North American holiday of the year and it’s preparation work.