Welcome to this week’s PPC News recap! Some considerations to evaluate ads and adapt to dynamic market conditions, Microsoft strategies for unprecedented times, How to cut PPC cost during uncertain times, 6 reasons to run responsive display ads and more.
Strategic decisions need to be taken by businesses unsure about how the situation might change, for worse or for better. It calls for reviewing where the businesses are spending and where costs could be curtailed to avoid any wastage.
Read more »Hosted by Julie F Bacchini, this week’s PPCChat session was also focused on a recent Coronavirus outbreak. Experts have discussed how the PPC work being impacted, Change in strategies, Any other ways to do paid search and/or paid social advertising in this environment and more.
Welcome to this week’s PPC News recap! Upcoming change to the Google Ad Manager API, Coronavirus Impact on Google Ads and Affiliate Sales, How To Address The CoronaVirus Pandemic For Your PPC Campaigns, How Amazon’s latest announcement will be impacting your ads and more.
Micromanaging your negative keywords might be a tedious task. To ease out, grouping common set of negative keywords helps organize your account. Negative Keyword List spares marketers the time spent in manually adding the same set of keywords across campaigns.