Posted by & filed under Amazon Ads, Google Ads Tips.

In the competitive landscape of e-commerce, optimizing your Google Ads campaigns to drive traffic to your Amazon store can be a game-changer for your sales strategy. By strategically calculating and adjusting bids based on Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) and Advertising Cost of Sale (ACOS), you can ensure that your advertising efforts are effective and cost-efficient.

This guide will walk you through a step-by-step process to integrate data from Amazon and Google Ads, evaluate keyword performance, and make informed bid adjustments. Whether you’re dealing with ample sales data or leveraging portfolio-level insights, this approach will help you fine-tune your campaigns to achieve optimal results.

Step 1: Collect Data from Amazon and Google Ads

  • Amazon Data:
    • Sales Data: Use Amazon Seller Central or a third-party analytics tool to extract monthly sales data for specific products or categories linked to your Google Ads campaigns. This data will be crucial for calculating ROAS.
  • Google Ads Data:
    • Keyword Performance: Within Google Ads, access reports for your campaign. Focus on metrics like impressions, clicks, cost, and conversions (estimated or actual, depending on your setup). You’ll need this data to calculate ACOS and analyze keyword performance.

Step 2: Calculate Key Metrics:

  • ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): This metric measures the revenue generated from your ad spend. Calculate it by dividing your total Amazon sales from the advertised product(s) by the total cost incurred on your Google Ads campaign for that timeframe.

ROAS = Total Amazon Sales from Advertised Product(s) / Total Google Ads Campaign Cost

  • Target ACOS: This metric represents the advertising cost per sale generated through your Google Ads campaign. Calculate it by dividing the total Google Ads campaign cost by the total Amazon sales from the advertised product(s).

ACOS = Total Google Ads Campaign Cost / Total Amazon Sales from Advertised Product(s)

Step 3: Evaluate Current ACOS

For each keyword, evaluate its current ACOS. This will help you understand if your current ad spend is efficient or needs adjustment.

Step 4: Making Bid Adjustments

Analyze individual keywords with a month’s worth (or more) of sales data.

  • High ROAS & Low ACOS: If a keyword has a ROAS exceeding your target and a low ACOS, consider maintaining or slightly increasing your bid. Increasing the bid can help capture more impressions and clicks while still staying within your profitability goals, leveraging the efficiency of this high-performing keyword.
  • Low ROAS & High ACOS: If a keyword has a ROAS below your target and a high ACOS, consider decreasing your bid. Lowering the bid can reduce costs and help bring the ACOS down closer to your target, ensuring you are not overspending on underperforming keywords. Increasing the bid in this scenario would likely further increase costs without a guaranteed improvement in profitability.

However, if you manually want to do the calculations to identify the bid adjustments you should be making, then consider calculating via the below mentioned formula:

Explaining with an example:

  • Current Bid: $1.00
  • Current ACOS: 25%
  • Target ACOS: 20%

Result: To achieve the target ACOS of 20%, you should adjust your current bid to $0.80.

Step 5: Portfolio-Level Adjustment

If you don’t have sufficient data for a specific keyword, use the data from your entire portfolio of keywords and follow the below mentioned steps:

Aggregate Data:

  • Calculate the overall ACOS for your portfolio.
  • Use the same bid adjustment formula at the portfolio level to make bid changes.
  • High ACOS: If the campaign ACOS is higher than your target, consider decreasing bids across the board. This prioritizes lowering ad spend to reach your target profitability.
  • Low ACOS: If the campaign ACOS is lower than your target (and profitability allows), you might consider strategically increasing bids for high-performing ad groups or campaigns. This could potentially drive more sales and maximize return.

Explaining with an example: Assume a portfolio with the following data:

  • Total Spend: $500
  • Total Sales: $2400
  • Target ACOS: 20%

If the current bid is $2, then the new bid is

To achieve a portfolio ACOS of 20%, you should adjust the bids to $1.74. This uniform adjustment reflects the fact that the entire portfolio needs to reduce its current ACOS from 22.92% to 20%.

Step 6: Implement Changes and Monitor Performance

  1. Implement Bid Changes: Adjust the bids in Google Ads based on your calculations.
  2. Monitor Performance: Continuously monitor the performance of your ads. Keep track of changes in ACOS, sales, and ROAS.
  3. Iterate: Based on performance, make further adjustments to your bids. This iterative process ensures continuous optimization.

Tools and Integration

To automate this process, consider using tools and platforms that integrate with both Amazon and Google Ads, such as:

  • Google Ads Scripts for automating bid adjustments.
  • Amazon Advertising API for fetching sales and ACOS data.
  • Excel or Google Sheets for calculations and data aggregation.
  • Try Karooya’s Portfolio Bidding Solutions for Amazon Ads for bidding assistance

By following these steps and continuously monitoring and adjusting your bids, you can effectively manage your Google Ads campaigns to drive traffic to your Amazon store and achieve your desired ROAS and ACOS targets.

By following these steps, you can strategically manage your Google Ads campaigns to drive more effective traffic to your Amazon store, ensuring that your advertising spend is optimized for maximum returns. Remember, continuous monitoring and adjustments are key to maintaining the balance between achieving your target ACOS and maximizing ROAS. With diligent analysis and precise bid management, you’ll be well on your way to enhancing your overall advertising performance and boosting your e-commerce success.

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