It might not have crossed your mind to check the presence of duplicate keywords in your Amazon Ads account. But we make it simple for you to track them down.
What are duplicate keywords?
Duplicate keywords are keywords that are common between different campaigns or ad groups. At once, you might think of it as not affecting your overall performance, but it does.
As a result of Duplicate Keywords, you end up splitting the traffic and hence, disrupting the data of your campaigns. Making it difficult to ascertain and attribute the performance to your ads.
But we have a solution to tackle this problem.
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Our Amazon Ads Negative Keywords Tool dashboard, now gives advertisers the option to download the ‘Duplicate Keywords Report‘. This report helps identify the duplicate keywords, where they are (campaign or ad groups) along with the performance details.
Here is how we do it
A thorough analysis is run on your account to pull out the report. In an account with exhaustive number of campaigns, it becomes burdensome to do the task manually. However, with our tool, this is done in just a fraction of few seconds.
Our tool groups keywords that closely match each other and hence are targeting the same set of search queries (a point easily missed out by many)
Such closely matched keywords or close variants include plurals, misspellings, stemmed words and synonyms. For example, if your keyword is red shoes then its variants will be the following and more:
- red sheos (misspelling)
- red shoe (singular form)
- shoe redness (stemmings)
So, if two different ad groups in a campaign have the keywords red sheos, red shoes, red shoes etc, then our report will group it together for you to analyze.
Here is where you can find the report

Here is a sample of how the report looks like:

As you can see in the image above, the highlighted rows shows the performance of two similar keywords. Using this insight you can and must make the decision of pausing keywords basis the performance or your campaign structure.
Once again, sign up with us to use this report and many other features.
Note: Karooya’s negative keywords tool for Amazon Ads is a powerful tool that saves your ad budget and time. It is Free for accounts with a monthly spend of less than $3000. Learn more and sign up today to improve your ACoS.
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