Missed out on top PPC posts published in the month of August? Here’s a quick recap of what was trending. Learn about Google’s decision to remove the option to exclude mobile app placements, Negative keywords tool for Amazon Ads, more bidding options made available in Bing Ads, a script to stop poor performing in-app placements and more news covered in this month’s recap of Top PPC News.
[NEW PRODUCT] Amazon Ads Negative Keywords Tool – Knowing that advertisers are keen to invest in Amazon ads and want it to bring in profitable returns, we have devised a tool that helps advertisers with negative keywords. Earlier launched for Google Ads and Bing Ads, we thought it was best to extend this offering for Amazon users as well.
Announcing Conversion Optimized Campaigns on the Quora Ads Platform – With the new optimize for conversion option, advertiser’s ads will be shown to users most likely to complete the conversion action. Here is more about this update.

Automated bidding strategies: Target CPA and Maximize Conversions – Now you have more options to help you achieve your performance goals. Try out the new Target CPA and Maximum Conversions bidding strategies, made available last week.
How to Maximize the Impact of Mobile Video – With the growth of mobile video consumption in Facebook’s platfrom, here are some insights that will help improve campaigns using mobile video ads to target users.
Keep conversion tracking working across all browsers – Here are the steps to measure accurate conversion tracking of your campaigns in Bing Ads across all browsers.

Amazon is testing video ads in mobile search results – The new video ads format in Amazon is currently available to limited advertisers and can be seen by iPhone or iPad users. More details in this post.
Google is deprecating adsenseformobileapps.com to exclude apps from Google Display campaigns – Google Ads is working on making changes to targeting and exclusion controls to GDN campaigns which will result in rise in mobile app traffic. Ginny Marvin shares details about how to fine tune app targeting and exclude apps from displaying your ads.
Remarketing exclusions in Bing Ads Editor – Refine your ad audience with negative remarketing lists in Bing Ads Editor. Remarketing exclusion helps you focus on audiences achieving higher ROI while excluding the ones not contributing much.

How to Block Poor Performing In-App Ad Placements – Frederick Vallaeys shares a script to help advertisers find mobile app placements performing poorly and take necessary action before the change of excluding mobile app targeting rolls out in September.
How Google’s Automated Ad Suggestions Are Performing – Here is why Google Ads’ ad suggestions are worth giving a try and worth examining for better ad performance. Brad Geddes evaluates in this post.
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