Posted by & filed under Google Ads Tips.

To expand the ad with additional information and give more reasons for the audience to select your product/ business, Google Ads platform offers us nine extensions. One of them is Structured Snippet Extension.


About Structured Snippet Extension

If you wish to focus on some unique or important features of your product/business, you might want to use Structured Snippet Extension. According to Google,


” Structured snippets are extensions that highlight specific aspects of your products and services. They typically increase ad performance by giving people more reasons to click.”


Here is an ad with a structured snippet extension to give you a better understanding

This extension helps you to be a little more creative when it comes to defining your brand/products on search ads.


How To Add Structured Snippet Extension To Your Google Ads Account


1) Login to your Google Ads account and click on “Ads & Extensions” located at the left-hand panel


2) Click on extensions. Choose “Structured Snippet Extension” once you click on the plus (+) sign


3) If you wish to add the extension on an Account level, select “Account” from the drop-down.

Note: Structured snippets can be added at the account, campaign, or ad group level.


4) You can select the language in which you want the extension to appear. Select the “Header” type which reflects your product/business in the best way. Values that are related to your header, need to be added.


5) Go to “Advanced options” if you wish to mention the start and the end date, schedule your ad and select device preference. After adding the required options, save the settings.


Note: If you wish to use any existing structured snippet extension, you can do so by selecting the “Use existing” option.


Once you add the structured snippet extension, here are the benefits you are likely to get out of it:


Provide Specific Details- The foremost benefit of using Structured Snippet Extension is to give specific details of your product/business to the audience before they could visit your website. It helps them to understand what exactly are you offering so they can make the right decision.


Boost Relevant Clicks- As this extension portrays your product/business in a better way by highlighting particular features, it helps you to attract the relevant audience, hence increases relevant clicks.


Increase Account Performance-  Structured Snippet Extension makes your ad notable as it helps to acquire more space on the screen. This helps to boost the performance of your Google Ad account and increase conversions.


Improve Quality Score- Structured Snippet Extension helps to align your ad with the intention of the user’s search thus boost ad relevance and CTR (Click Through Rate). This also helps to improve the quality score.


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