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Taking the decision to try out an alternate bidding strategy might be a difficult step to take, especially when the certainty of consistency in performance is not known. In such a case, it is a better option to first test how the change will impact the overall performance. AdWords Drafts & Experiments helps advertisers test the change without disrupting the existing campaign.

targe cpa experiment adwords

About Campaign Drafts & Experiments


AdWords Campaign Drafts & Experiments will be referred here as AdWords Experiments.

AdWords Experiments lets you mirror your campaign’s set up and make changes to it without impacting the original campaign performance. The first step is to create a draft which can either be applied to the original campaign or activated as an Experiment. If a draft is run as an Experiment, then it will test the changes made to your campaign and compare its performance with the original campaign over time.


Testing Bidding Strategy – Why You Should Try Target CPA?


Altering bids is one objective that can be met with AdWords Experiments. For instance, you might be currently using Manual CPC which is less effective, error prone and less competitive during auction. While creating a new campaign, using Manual CPC initially seems appropriate as not much data has been captured to determine its future. However, once having gathered enough conversion data that can be referred for driving more conversions, you can consider opting for the automated bidding strategy Target CPA.

This will give you insight into whether choosing a different bidding strategy can optimize the campaign performance. After creating the draft, choose the automate bidding strategy Target CPA and run it as an experiment. Here is how the settings will appear:

target cpa create draft edit CPA bidding run experiment target cpa


Once you run the experiment specify the start date and end date. Mention the % of traffic that you wish to split between the experiment and the original campaign. Ideally a 50% split is fair to judge and compare the impact of changes made in the experiment to the original campaign.

split traffic experiment


Once the experiment starts running, you can simultaneously track the performance to determine the impact. Here is more about analyzing the AdWords Experiments performance.


Note: If you have multiple experiments (A/B test) running, going to individual experiments to check the performance can become a tedious task. Our AdWords Performance tracking script simplifies the task by giving advertisers a report that puts cumulative experiment stats together and shows how the experiment is performing when compared with the original campaign. Here is more detail about Karooya’s AdWords Experiments Script.


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