Merkle released its Digital Marketing Report for Quarter 2, this week. We elaborate some of the key findings from the report in this post.
Posts Categorized: Google Ads Tips
How To Make Bulk Changes To Final URL with AdWords Editor
Have a new landing page that you wish to add to your active ads but do not want to delete that ad? Here is how you can make bulk edits to your existing set of ads in AdWords Editor.
How to Get Your Ad in First Position on Google?
On Google, getting your ad in the first position for keywords relevant to your businesses, not only increases the chances of getting clicks but builds top-of-mind recall for your brand and product.
AdWords Negative Keyword Match Types – Best Practices
Negative keywords restricts your ad from showing for irrelevant search queries. But, when your ad will be triggered is decided by what negative keyword match types you choose.
Improving Competitiveness via Auction Insights Report
Identifying your competitors and knowing how their ads are performing vis-à-vis yours can help you take strategic steps towards improving your competitiveness. Google Ads Auction Insights Report is the key to keep track of your competition.