Google Ads will soon take the option from advertisers that allowed them to target and exclude app inventory in their Google Display Network ads. In light of this change that is set to be materialized the next month, advertisers need to gear up to stop unwanted mobile app traffic.
Posts Categorized: Google Ads Tips
RSA (Responsive Search Ads) Ad Performance Script
In order to help advertisers analyze their ads in the new ad format, we have updated our Ad Performance Script to include Responsive Search Ads too.
Changes To Ads Experiments in New AdWords UI
AdWords Experiments is a resourceful feature with which advertisers can perform A/B testing to test their campaign settings without actually modifying it. It is most useful in campaigns that have been running for a while and to which making changes are a big decision to make.
Key Highlights From Merkle Q2, 2018 Digital Marketing Report
Merkle released its Digital Marketing Report for Quarter 2, 2018 last week. We elaborate some of the key findings from the report in this post.
Responsive Search Ads Character Limits
Responsive Search Ads, is hugely awaited to be released from its beta stage and made available to advertisers across the globe. Here is a look into what character limits this new ad format has to offer and how it is a great opportunity for advertisers to display some useful piece of information in their ads.