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Posts Categorized: Google Ads Tips
Key Highlights From Merkle Q3, 2018 Digital Marketing Report
Merkle released its Digital Marketing Report for Quarter 3, 2018 last week. We elaborate some of the key findings from the report in this post. You can download the report from here
SMX East 2018, Presentations (Paid Search)
SMX East was held between Oct 24 & 25, 2018 where marketers across the globe shared presentations about search marketing, SEO and SEM. Here we list down some of the presentations given about Paid Search
Things Still Not Known About Negative Keywords
Few years back we had created a Negative Keywords Quiz, to check the scale of familiarity and understanding of negative keywords. We thought, it would be great to look into the responses and derive some findings out of it. Here is what we found.
Updating Original Campaign After The Experiment In Google Ads
Running an experiment helps determine the outcome of an alternate set of settings that you have not yet gone live with. It makes testing easy without disrupting the current flow of your campaign and hence is a value addition.