Broad match negative keywords behave much like the bidded broad match keywords. However, the intent here changes. Broad match negative keywords aim towards restricting as many search queries as possible.
Posts By: Kirti
Weekly PPC News – Using Facebook Click-to-Messenger Ads, Attribution Changes Coming To AdWords
Learn about attribution in Google AdWords, using Facebook’s click-to-messenger ads, screencap of latest PPCChat session, importance of analysing your Facebook advertising activities, effectively choosing keywords for your B2B campaigns and more in this week’s PPC News recap.
List of All ValueTrack Parameters in Google Ads
Using a tracking template in your URL lets advertisers track down key parameters defined under ValueTrack Parameters or any other Custom Parameter that advertisers would wish to customize as per their requirements.
PPCChat | International Paid Search | Feb 27, 2018
This week’s PPCChat session was hosted by Natalie Barreda and the discussion was about targeting other languages, domestic campaigns, staying up-to-date with global and regional trends, localizing PPC campaigns and more.
Keyword Cannibalization Report – Identify Keywords Competing With Each Other
Keyword Cannibalization happens when a search query is matched to more than one keyword(s). It results in the matching keywords competing with each other. Depending on the Quality Score and bid of the keyword, Google then ascertains which ad to show. Such a scenario leads to uncertainty in determining whom to consider as the one… Read more »