While Google made the announcement of removing right side rail ads, David Szetela spoke with Matthew Umbro, Senior Account Manager at Hanapin Marketing and the Founder of PPCChat, on how this change will impact the PPC advertising world and how advertisers will need to rebuild their bidding strategy to stay at the top-of-the-game. You can… Read more »
Posts By: Kirti
Weekly PPC News – Bidding On Non Branded Keywords You Organically Rank For
Here’s a recap of last week’s trending articles. From a study conducted by Acquisio on over 90,000 campaigns to case studies that back bidding on non branded keywords. Find the top 10 articles handpicked from the PPC knowledge space.
How To Calculate Unique Conversions In Bing Ads?
Conversions, an important metric of your PPC account, helps ascertain how many clicks resulted in an action (transaction, registration, inquiry form etc.) defined by you. We previously wrote an article about conversion in AdWords. Similar to AdWords, in Bing too you can define whether you wish to count each conversion action or unique ones.
Bing Ads Advertiser Science Series: The Science of Brand Bidding Webcast
This webcast hosted by MJ De Pallma has Bing’s Advertisers Science Team members Lars Hirch (Director of Advertiser Science at Bing Ads) and Frances Donegan-Ryan (SEM Pro Digital Marketing Manager) discussing about the value of Brand Bidding. This informative webinar shares useful insights on how to go about experimenting and building your brand bidding strategy to impact your SEM… Read more »
Weekly PPC News – Right Rail Ads Post Mortum
Trends observed post removal of right side ads, how the change is impacting the organic search results, grab the takeaways from SMX West 2016 session, learn about the less explored AdWords Editor features and more in this Week’s PPC Edition.