Weekly PPC News – Bing Ads Name Changed to Microsoft Advertising, Google Ads Position Segmented By Devices and more

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Welcome to this week’s PPC News recap! Facebook announced limiting the targeting capabilities for housing, loans and employment industries, Quora is now an approved tag vendor within Google Tag Manager, Get an insight to set up Bing’s new Action Extensions, Learn about Google Ads feature called Geo Ads Customizers and more.

Monthly Roundup | Top PPC Posts – April 2019

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Missed out on top PPC posts published in the month of April? Here is a quick recap. Facebook’s new bid strategy to gain more result, Bing’s step to end the ability to create destination URL for keywords, ads and campaign level, Google’s announcement of Parallel Tracking, Announcement of Quora and GeistM partnership, Highlights of Merkel’s… Read more »