Posted by & filed under Amazon Ads, Keywords, Negative Keywords.

A thorough post-campaign analysis is essential to ensure the success of your Amazon advertising efforts. This process helps to understand what worked, identify areas for improvement, and plan for future campaigns.

Running an Amazon ad campaign is just the first step. A post-campaign analysis is crucial to unearth hidden gems and optimize for future success.

Read this post to Master Your Amazon Launch with a Pre-Campaign Checklist

Campaign Goals & Tracking

Review Campaign Goals: Before analyzing the data, revisit your initial objectives. What were your goals for the campaign? Were you aiming to increase sales, boost brand awareness, or promote product launches?

Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): These metrics measure your progress toward goals. Common KPIs for Amazon PPC include:

  • Sales
  • Conversion Rate
  • ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale)
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Impressions
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Look for trends in your KPIs over the campaign duration. Did performance get better, worse, or stay the same?

Tracking Tools & Resources: Third-party PPC management tools can provide deeper insights and visualisations of your campaign data. These tools are easy to use and help identify profit-killing areas.

Additional Tips

  • Don’t just collect data – use it to understand what worked and what didn’t.
  • Compare your metrics to industry averages or past campaigns to gauge your success

Keyword Research and Targeting

Analyze Search Term Report: Download the Search Term Report from your Amazon Seller Central account. This report reveals the actual search terms that triggered your ads.

Note: Amazon Ads only shows search terms data for the last 60 days. But with Karooya’s archival feature, you can view and analyze all your search terms data, along with performance metrics like impressions, clicks, and sales.

Refine Negative Keywords: Add irrelevant search terms as negative keywords. This helps avoid wasted ad spend in the future.

Match Type Strategy:

  • Move high-performing search terms from broad and phrase match campaigns to exact match campaigns for better control and lower costs.
  • Look for irrelevant search terms that triggered your ads but didn’t convert. Add these as negative keywords with their match types and save the budget.
  • Use insights from high-performing exact match terms to find new keywords with broader reach by applying phrase and broad match strategies.

Budget & Bidding Strategy

Analyze Budget Allocation

  • Review Overall Spend: Did you stay within your budget? Were there any unexpected spikes or underutilization?
  • Evaluate Budget Efficiency: Can you achieve similar results with a lower overall budget?

Optimize Budget Allocation

  • Shift Budget to Winning Products: Assign more budget to products with strong sales and profitability.
  • Phase Out Low Performers: Consider pausing or lowering bids for products dragging down overall campaign performance.
  • Test Different Budget Strategies: Experiment by assigning budget by total campaign, ad group, or automatic rules.

Refine Bidding Strategy

  • Review Bid Adjustments: Did your adjustments for placements, match types, or devices work effectively?
  • Adjusting Bids for Keywords: Increase bids for keywords with high conversion rates and positive ROI and lower bids for keywords with low click-through rates or irrelevant searches.
  • Consider Automated Bidding: Explore using Amazon’s automated bidding strategies based on your goals.

Additional Tips

  • Determine your desired ROAS and set your budget accordingly
  • Regularly track your budget to ensure you stay within your limits and avoid overspending
  • Continuously test different bidding strategies and budget allocations to find the optimal approach for your campaigns

Product Listing and Content Optimization

Update Titles & Descriptions: Use top-performing keywords in titles and descriptions, but keep the language natural and clear

Analyze Product Reviews: Identify common customer questions or pain points and address them in your descriptions

Highlight Benefits: Ensure your product descriptions clearly communicate the benefits and properties that set your product apart.

Focusing on Compelling Ad Content

Analyze Performance by Ad Content

  • Did certain headlines or descriptions generate more clicks than others?
  • Did specific ad variations (image/headline/description combinations) increase purchase rates?

Refine Your Content Based on Findings

  • Craft clear and concise headlines that highlight benefits. Emphasize key features and include strong calls to action
  • Use clear and concise language to highlight how your product solves customer problems and showcases its benefits
  • Make sure to include relevant keywords naturally in your headlines, descriptions, and backend keywords to improve ad targeting

Additional Tips

  • Use language that evokes emotions and resonates with your target audience
  • Consider incorporating limited-time offers or highlighting limited quantities to create a sense of urgency
  • Experiment with different ad formats like video and Sponsored Display ads to see what resonates best with your audience

Review the Product Detail Page Post-Campaign Launch

Traffic Source: See where the traffic is coming from. This helps understand which keywords and ad placements are driving the most traffic.

Organic vs Paid Traffic: Monitor the ratio of organic traffic to paid traffic. This helps assess the impact of your campaign on overall product visibility.

Headlines & Descriptions: Review the click-through and conversion rates of various headlines and descriptions you’re testing. Adjust based on what connects best with your audience.

By carefully following this checklist, you ensure each campaign meets its goals and provides useful insights for future ads. This method boosts your return on investment and improves your Amazon performance over time.

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